Wednesday, January 28, 2009

For those who enjoy a good glass of wine

We drink a good amount of red wine in our house... just ask James.

Why not present the ring tied around the stem of a glass of wine?

Prep Time Needed: An hour tops not including purchasing a ring

Cost: Cheap. The only expenses (other than the ring) would be purchasing wine, wine glasses, and dinner if they are needed

Here's How:

Idea #1:

Obviously you need to purchase a ring. You also need to have some wine glasses. For me and James we have about 20 so I would never notice if one was missing but if you only have two or four glasses I would suggest getting an extra one.

Purchase or acquire some ribbon or twine. You could get it at a CVS, a dollar store, or a craft store. You may have something suitable laying around the house. (think of the ribbons that towels, gifts, and some gourmet foods are wrapped in)

String the ring through the ribbon and then tie the ribbon around the extra wine glass and hide it somewhere. You can have the wine glass sitting on the table when they walk in the room.

Have her or him over for dinner. You can ask if they would like some wine pour it with your back facing them and when you return around they will notice the ring. I love this thought because it is casual and sexy. This, however, is coming from someone who adores wine. If you ask her or him for a glass and they decline you will have to wait or come up with something on the spot (which might not be so bad)

Idea #2:
Instead of leaving the glass on the table or handing them the glass, you could set it up and then place the glass in the cabinet. Bring home a bottle of wine from work and simply say, "hey baby can you get us a few glasses of wine" Be standing in the kitchen or dinning room door as she turns around

Idea #3:
Give this idea to a restaurant and see if they will do it for you.

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